Hello, my name is Normaslian binti mustafa kamal, im one of student at kptm Bangi. This is my close friend in kptm Bangi. My first impression when i meet them is can i be they friends? I think they are arrogant but after us know each other they so nice to me.
Next after almost 94 days we become friends, they are so mean to me because they are always with me and always have when i need them. When i don't know do to something in assignment especially in subject account,one of them who  know how to do that assignment will teach and explain to us.
 we usually share about our assignment, feeling and other together. Us usually will give motivation and help each other when one of us who have are problem. 
Lastly, I love them as my family and i hope our friendship will never end until we finish our studies and i hope their never forget me as their friend and i hope their get what their have plan for their life ❤.


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